Automatic Synchronizer

LD 745 04
Automatic Synchronizer
Automatic Synchronizer


Microcontroller-operated device designed to synchronize a three-phase synchronous generator to the mains or to a second generator.
The device actuates the synchronization switch under the correct synchronization conditions (for voltage, frequency, phase angle).

The generator voltage is automatically set via the excitation voltage controller (745 021). The frequency and thus the phase angle as well are automatically adjusted via the control voltage controller (745 03). A three-digit seven-segment display serves to indicate the voltage and frequency.

Technical data:

  • Setting range of the synchronization conditions:
    - Voltage: 1 V...20 V
    - Frequency: 0,1 Hz...2,0 Hz
    - Angle: 1°...15°
    - Switch dead time: 1 ms...40 ms
  • Indication accuracy of the measured values:
    - Voltage: ± 1 Digit (1 V)
    - Frequency: ± 1 Digit (0,1 Hz)
  • Control outputs: TTL compatible
  • Supply voltage: 115/230 V, 47...62 Hz via 4-mm safety sockets
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