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[554 861] X-ray tube, Mo
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P6.3.1.1 Fluorescence of a luminescent screen due to X-rays
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P6.3.1.3 Detecting X-rays using an ionization chamber
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P6.3.1.4 Determining the ion dose rate of the X-ray tube with molydenum anode
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P6.3.1.5 Investigation of an implant model
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P6.3.1.6 Influence of a contrast medium on the absorption of X-rays
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P6.3.2.1 Investigating the attenuation of X-rays as a function of the absorber material and absorber thickness
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P6.3.2.2 Investigating the wavelength dependency of the attenuation coefficient
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P6.3.2.3 Investigating the relationship between the attenuation coefficient and the atomic number Z
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P6.3.5.1 Recording and calibrating an X-ray energy spectrum
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P6.3.5.2 Recording the energy spectrum of a molybdenum anode
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P6.3.5.4 Investigation of the characteristic spectra as a function of the element's atomic number: K-lines
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P6.3.5.4 Investigation of the characteristic spectra as a function of the element's atomic number: K-lines
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P6.3.5.5 Investigation of the characteristic spectra as a function of the element's atomic number: L-lines
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P6.3.5.5 Investigation of the characteristic spectra as a function of the element's atomic number: L-lines
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P6.3.6.1 Fine structure of the characteristic X-ray radiation of a molybdenum anode
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P6.3.6.11 High-resolution fine structure of the characteristic X-ray radiation of a molybdenum anode (de)
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P6.3.7.1 Compton effect: verifying the energy loss of the scattered X-ray quantum
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P6.3.7.2 Compton effect: Measurement the energy of the scattered photons as a function of the scattering angle
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P6.3.7.2 Compton effect: Measurement the energy of the scattered photons as a function of the scattering angle
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P7.1.2.1 Bragg reflection: determining the lattice constants of monocrystals
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P7.1.2.2 Laue diagrams: investigating the lattice structure of monocrystals
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P7.1.2.3 Debye-Scherrer photography: determining the lattice plane spacings of polycrystalline powder samples
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P7.5.1.1 Application of X-ray fluorescence for the non-destructive analysis of the chemical composition
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P7.5.1.1 Application of X-ray fluorescence for the non-destructive analysis of the chemical composition
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P7.5.1.2 Determination of the chemical composition of a brass sample by X-ray fluorescence analysis
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P7.5.1.2 Determination of the chemical composition of a brass sample by X-ray fluorescence analysis
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C3.6.5.1 X-ray fluorescence analysis of chemical composition
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C3.6.5.2 The chemical composition of a brass specimen