Fabry Perot resonator - Fabry Perot mode analyzer

Fabry Perot resonator - Fabry Perot mode analyzer
Fabry Perot resonator - Fabry Perot mode analyzer

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A Fabry Perot resonator is formed by two mirrors aligned parallel to each other. The resulting cavity changes transparency when the distance of the mirrors is changed by a multiple of half the wavelength. Scanning the length of the cavity creates a high resolution spectrometer.
Experiment P5.8.5.4 shows an open frame scanning Fabry Perot. As scanner a Piezo element and as probe a two mode Helium Neon laser is used. The mode spectrum of the Helium Neon laser is displayed on an oscilloscope and the characteristic parameter like finesse, free spectral range, resolution and contrast are measured and discussed. Additional components for beam expansion are used to investigate the effect of technical Finesse. Additional mirrors are used to show the difference of a plane and confocal Fabry Perot arrangement.

Components of equipment sets

1 474 104  8  Focussing Optics, f = 60 mm LD
1 474 1404 Lens f = 150 mm, C25 Mount and Plate LD
1 474 140 Beam expander lens, adjustment holder LD
1 474 5213 Achromat f = 20 mm, C25 mount LD
1 474 5234 Laser Mirror, flat, M16 mount LD
1 474 5235 Laser Mirror, R = 75 mm, M16 Mount LD
1 474 5236 Laser Mirror, R = 100 mm, M16 Mount LD
1 474 5237 Laser Mirror, flat, M12 Mount LD
1 474 5238 Laser Mirror, R = 75 mm, M12 Mount LD
1 474 5239 Laser Mirror, R = 100 mm, M12 Mount LD
1 474 113  8  Laser Mirror Adjustment Holder, left LD
1 474 317 Piezo Actuator Controller LD
1 474 139 Piezo Element with Adjustment Holder LD
1 522 561  4  Function generator P LD
2 501 02  8  BNC cable, 1 m LD
1 501 091  8  BNC T adapter LD
1 575 24  4  Screened cable, BNC/4 mm Plug LD
1 474 3061 Photodetector signal conditioning box LD
1 474 108 SiPIN photodetector LD
1 474 5464  8  Oscilloscope, Dual Channel, Digital LD
1 474 303  8  HeNe Laser High Voltage supply, adjustable LD
1 474 5421 HeNe Pilot Laser Ø 30 mm LD
1 474 5445 Profile Rail 1000 mm LD
2 474 210 Mounting plate Ø 30 mm, carrier 20 mm LD
1 474 122 Optics cleaning set LD
1 671 9700  4  Ethanol, absolute, 250 ml LD
GHS02GHS07 Danger H225 H319
2 474 251  8  Transport and Storage Box #01 LD
1 474 7103  4  LIT-print: Fabry Perot Resonator LD
2 471 828  4  * Adjustment goggles for He-Ne-laser LD

Articles marked with * are not essential, we do however recommend them to carry out the experiment.

Experiment Instructions

PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) P5.8.5.4 Fabry Perot resonator
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