Commutating encoder, 0.3

LD 773 1096
Commutating encoder, 0.3


For determining the rotor position of a permanently excited brushless DC motor (AC servo). The pick-up contains three Hall-type switches and a 4-pin pick-up magnet mounted to the shaft. In order to set the shaft position of the commutation pick-up in a definite position with respect to the AC servo motor, the pick-up magnet can be mechanically adjusted by ±45 degrees. The signals generated during the rotation of the shaft supply the evaluating criteria for the block signal type commutation of a 4-pin AC servo motor. The inputs and outputs are accessible via 4 mm sockets or 6-pin DIN sockets. Version on aluminium sliding base.

Technical data

  • Speed: max. 10,000 rpm
  • Output voltage: TTL level
  • Supply voltage: +15 V DC supplied by Converter Controller CASSY 7735290

Scope of delivery

  • Connection cable 6-pin, L = 1.5 m.
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